Friday, November 17, 2023

Share Your Story, It Might Be Someone's Survival Guide


I think we can all agree, it's not easy being vulnerable. Taking down our shield of armor and letting our true selves be known is scary. What will people think? Will they still like me? Will they think I'm crazy? Will they still be my friend? I'm not a narcissist, it's not always all about me. Life is so much bigger than all that. We all suffer with our own fears and insecurities, and yet so many are out there suffering the same thing you are, but are feeling so isolated and alone. If you could help just one person know that they aren't alone in their suffering and that life will get better, wouldn't you want to?

Take a deep breath and think back to the last time you were going through one of these times that truly tore you apart from the inside out where you felt your world was falling apart. What were you feeling? At what point did this feeling start? Was there a trigger event that led to this feeling? Was there anything that helped calm you during this time? Now let me tell you one of my stories.....

Here's some background. In 2016, I was 52 years old and I had a heart attack, called Broken Heart Syndrome. It was all due from stress. Prior to this attack, I had been very stressed out due to several family issues and a couple of family deaths. Then on this particular day, my stress levels at work skyrocketed out of control. That even my husband took me to the hospital to get checked out and the next day I went into cardiac arrest. I watched my husband being escorted out of my hospital room as I watched my EKG machine line disappear and the nurse call for the paddles. 

Fast forward six months, I survived. I went through a lot and suffered with a lot of anxiety as a result of this experience. So much so that to this day, whenever my blood pressure spikes or I feel palpitations it freaks me out. I have been rushed to the hospital twice this year alone with anxiety attacks that feel so much like my heart attack, I feel like I have gone back in time reliving that day. 

I've learned over the years to look for trigger signs so that I can immediately work on calming myself. A lot of times it works, but sometimes it gets away from me. A trigger sign for me, is when I start rubbing on my chest trying to calm myself. My therapist helped me realize this during a session when she asked how I was feeling and what I was doing at the time that helped to calm me. So now whenever I realize I'm rubbing my chest, I start talking to God asking for his strength and to calm my anxiety. God has been a huge comfort and I know that I'm not alone, even though it sure feels like it at times. I remember screaming out to him in my mind right before my heart attack, "God, I'm not ready to die!" He saved me that day and he's saved me every day since then.

What I've learned over the years is that we cannot control anyone else. We can only control ourselves and our reactions. Don't think ahead because tomorrow is all made up in your mind of what if's. Only God knows what tomorrow brings and there is enough stress for today to worry about. Take it one day at a time and know that God has a plan and He always wants what's best for everyone. We may not see or understand His perspective, but one day, hopefully, we will see all of the puzzle pieces come together and Jesus standing there with His arms wide open ready to receive us. As I get older, I love seeing these puzzle pieces come together. As I look back now on times like these, I can see God was there the entire time sitting right next to me holding my hand through it all. And He is there with you as well. 

Take another deep breath and breathe in His presence. 

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Get Ready For Our ReLaunch


I'm so excited to share with everyone that we are getting ready to dive back into our writing and promoting our books! There have been so many Signs from God that we have received and are now ready to share with you. I've always believed that if you share your story, it might just be the survival guide that someone else has been looking for that helps them realize they are not alone. I'll be sharing a post on this shortly that you'll want to read, so be sure to follow so you don't miss it!

If  you been following us at, you'll notice a big change. We felt it necessary to delete our official webpage and revert back our Blogger Page, so we could concentrate on only one main platform besides our Signs from God Facebook group. Mom and I both want to get back into our writing and we are grateful for your patience during our downtime.

Life sometimes gets in the way, and for us that has been true. Divorce, Illnesses, Marriage, Hospital Stays, you name it, we've gone through it.  I've recently remarried and retired all within a week. I know, that alone is enough to make your head spin. I can honestly say though, that I am the happiest I have ever been. Is it perfect all the time, absolutely not! God does not promise us that life will be perfect. In fact, he says, we will have hard times. When we turn to God to get us through those hard times, that's where our peace comes from and we realize we are not alone. It's not easy and sometimes all I could do was say or scream His name, Jesus, over and over again in my head. He knows what you're going through and what you need. He just wants us to call His Name and believe in Him.

I've shouted His name more times than I could ever count asking for help, and now I'm here to shout His name in praise for all He has done and all of the blessings I have received. I pray you follow along as we throw ourselves back into sharing life and Signs from God with you. If you don't know who we are or what we are about, check us out! Scan our QR Code and grab our books. For now, I'm super excited to share with you an opportunity I have been given by Quest Church here in Grovetown, Georgia where I will be sharing my books at their Latte Da Event - November 30th. I haven't promoted my books in a while, but I must say it feels exhilerating to be jumping back in and being supported by my church family! This church has changed my life in so many ways and I know God has led me here for a reason. I've only lived here for 3 years, and already have more friends than I ever had back in Maryland. If you are struggling, I highly recommend you get involved with your local church or reach out to mine, they would love to have you join us remotely!  They even offer Remote Bible Studies! I hope I get to meet you one day!

Now, to wrap this up, I'd love to know if you have a Sign from God story you would like to share? Shoot me an email and Your story might make my next book! 




Tuesday, July 17, 2018


I say that especially for me today, because I feel alive once again after a long time between- the- dash of my writing.  Being a senior, so much of our time is spent in Doctor's offices for one thing or another.  If it's not you, it's your spouse or another loved one. The appointment time seems to be the time we start waiting to see the doctor and when your name is finally called, the second round of waiting begins in that little room you were led into, until the door finally opens and the doctor is ready to see you. Sound familiar? Been there done that? I'm sure we have all experienced this at one time or another. It does get frustrating after a while. Time is precious to all of us, and the older we get the faster it seems to go! The fact that for us "Seniors" most of our lives are now behind us. Of course, we want to make the most of every single day and live it to the fullest.

 Sometimes, however, life and circumstances just get in the way of things we like to do most. For me, it is definitely my writing and sharing my testimony of the miraculously healing that took place in my life so many years ago. Suffering from depression and anxiety for five years, going through a traumatic divorce, led to the miracle I experienced in 1980. When the doctors had given up all hope in me getting well, God never gave up on me! It was just one simple prayer when I had all I could possibly endure. I prayed, "God, please make me well, or take me home with you, I can't take anymore"! It was then that I felt a miracle coming over my body. I was healed instantly, and my life would never be the same again. It has been my desire and passion to help others who may be going through some dark clouds in their lives to never give up hope. Remember the rainbow beneath those dark clouds. The sun will shine once again. I truly feel that God did not put me or my family through all that pain and suffering in vain. I believe it is my mission and calling to bring others closer to God by spreading the word of my testimony and God's miraculous healing  to bring you hope that you are never alone.

For those of you who know me and who have been following my daughter and I on our journey, you know that I have been working on my book, "A Mountain to Climb", as a follow-up to our first book, "Signs from God".  Unfortunately, my writing was put on hold for a period of time due to some personal interruptions; good ones like getting  married, re-locating and moving to GA. and one thing after another events of our lives that all of us go through.

Today, I am happy to say that I am back on track and will be here for you as long as God is willing. To God be the glory!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


NO matter how smooth or how rough this day, GOD is with us each step of the way.....We are all on our own journey here on this earth and everyone of us have a story to tell.

We will have many trials and tests to endure here on earth but through all the peaks and valleys of our lives, we are never alone! Sometimes we may think we are and feel God isn't listening to our prayers, but fear not!  GOD is working in the background of our lives. The older I get as I look back on my life, I see the puzzle pieces all fitting right into place.  Many times, it was those unanswered prayers that were for my benefit. I just didn't realize it at the time.  It is necessary for us to go through these hard times and struggles.  Through our faith and trust in the Lord we are being led by the Holy Spirit to bring us closer to Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. God wants all of us to be happy and has a plan for each one of us.  Jeremiah 29:11.  We all need to remember that during our times of trial and suffering when we see only one set of footprints, that's when God is carrying us!  Footprints is definitely one of my favorites!.

Today, I'm asking for special thoughts and prayers for our son-in-law, Tom Shabinaw. Tom had heart surgery last year and has been in a lot of pain for a long time.  He now needs to have both hips replaced.  The doctors will be doing surgery today on the first hip. Hopefully, this will relieve some of his pain but he still has a long way to go until the second hip surgery can take place.Tomorrow will be a long day for all of us, but we know we will not be alone! Prayers for a speedy recovery for Tom and his return to good health once again.

Thank you God for your presence and thank you for also watching over our daughter, Sharon, as she walks through  this journey with her husband. Prayers to give her the much needed strength she needs for the days ahead.

In your precious name, Jesus, hear our prayer........ AMEN!

Friday, June 30, 2017


In the background of my brain there is a story to be told. I have procrastinated far too long in getting this story told for many reasons and I apologize for that. For those of you who know me, you know there has been a lot going on in my life the last couple of years. For the most part, it has been “good” things that have kept me from my writing, like getting married and relocating.  It is true although these events have been a wonderful distraction for me there has also been an underlying reason in my own mind that has dominated my thoughts about getting my story told. The reason for me is  “F E A R”!  Fear of reliving the pain that I endured during those five years I found myself in captivity to depression, panic attacks and the endless anxiety. Fear of a relapse into those dark days of my life. Fear of what people will say and think about me. Fear of the unknown. It is now time for me to confront those fears, because I know God is with me. Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you. I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”. It is a funny thing, how God lets me go for so long, and then pulls me back by His gentle nudges and signs to get me back on track to do His will.  I don’t believe that my family or I were meant to suffer those five years in vain. I do believe that it is God’s will for me to help those who are suffering now with this devastating illness that is so misunderstood by so many.

My story will be the follow-up to my first book, “Signs from God”, that my daughter and I wrote together and is now published and available at  This book not only reveals my testimony of the miraculous healing that took place in my life in 1980, but also shares stories from others who have been touched by signs from God, and who were so graciously willing to share their stories as well.

I made a promise to write this follow up book, “A Mountain to Climb”, that is a true story of my life and memoir that will go into great detail about the struggles of a young mother suffering for five long years through a nervous breakdown and all that led up to the mountain she had to climb suffering through a broken marriage with depression, tranquilizers, shock treatments and yes even suicide attempts. It will elaborate on how you can be trapped in your own body, in a catatonic state of mind and not being able to communicate with your loved ones.  At the same time, your heart is breaking because you are feeling so much pain you’re causing your family to go through as well.  This young mother at the time, tried desperately to hold her marriage together at her own expense for the sake of her children.  Through all her torment she came to realize that you can’t put on a happy face living a lie, and learned the hard way.  This book, “A Mountain to Climb” is a story of romance, love, loss, strength and survival.  It will reveal the “miraculous” healing that took place when God did what the doctors could not do.

This morning, God led me to Psalms 118:17 “I shall not die but live and shall declare the works and recount the illustrious acts of the Lord.” Well, that was definitely an eye opener for me.  Another nudge from God, and like my daughter says, to just DO IT!   It brought my thoughts back to the time of my miraculous healing when I prayed, “Lord, please make me well, or take me home with you. I can’t take anymore”.  It was only that very short prayer after all those years of suffering, and then a peaceful calm began to embrace my body starting from the tip of my toes. When it reached my heart and moved up to my face, I felt a puff of warm air being breathed into my mouth and I knew instantly that I was healed. God’s spirit of life was breathed into my body and the veil was lifted that covered my soul all those years struggling through my illness. Through the grace of God I was healed.  Thank you God for making me well and all the blessings you have given me since that day of healing in 1980.

Today, my prayer is for God to give me the strength to do His will and help me to share my testimony and story to continue spreading the words of “Hope, Trust and Believe” that miracles do happen, and even in the darkest hours and times of our lives, there can be a happy ending.  Psalm 145:21 “My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord; and let all flesh bless (affectionately and gratefully praise) His holy name forever and ever”.   Amen

Monday, June 26, 2017

Break Down Your Walls


Sharon Shabinaw, brings you her second book, 

Break Down Your Walls: Be the Person God Created You

 to Be . . . Be  a Better You!

The inspiration within this book, was truly a gift from God that Sharon received.  After struggling for several years dealing with stress, God intervened because she could take no more.  When her stress levels hit their peak, God stepped in and forced her to take the time she needed to heal from the inside out.  This is a story that starts with stress and anxiety, which then turned into her worst nightmare as she locked eyes with her husband as she heard the nurse call for the paddles.  It is a story of struggle, recovery, self-reflection, and self-development that will truly make you think about the person you are, and could change your life as well!

Message from Sharon:

Break Down Your Walls was a vision given to me by God after my heart attack in April 2016. A vision of sharing spiritual messages with as many people as I could to help them become a better version of themselve as well.  You see, God knew I needed a break and I needed to do some self-reflection; and, that’s exactly what I did after my heart attack. I took the time I needed to heal physically, and then I spent many months healing emotionally.  During the time of emotional healing I was able, with the help of God  to truly do some soul searching into why I am the way I am, and realize that you can only change YOU!  No matter how hard you try, you can’t make a person change. You can only change your reaction to a situation.

I hope my book helps you become the person God created you to be – by breaking down your own walls!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sharing is the BEST Feeling Ever!

For so long now, Mom and I both have been working at sharing her story to help as many people as we can in our writing, in personal conversations, etc.  We have been dreaming of standing on a stage in front of groups of people and sharing with hundreds.  I truly feel that will happen and yesterday was just a taste of what is yet to come.  We've shared in some groups before and it felt great; but our time was very limited. Yesterday though, I stood in front of a class of young adults at the Carroll Community College and was able to speak about stress, and how everyone has a story to share.  I spoke for almost and hour and could have talked much longer.  It felt so good to be able to share and provide experience and guidance to such an impressionable group of adults.  You could see the looks on their faces as they intently listened and I know atleast one of them is harboring something deep inside of them as well, and I can only pray that my speech touched their hearts and helps them through what they may be dealing with.

I was able to tie stress back to my mother's story and her miraculous healing.  I was able to share with them the everyday stresses we live with and how it impacted my life by having a heart attack.  A heart attack that was strictly stress induced!  I shared how I was able to change my own thinking through self-development and soul searching after realizing I can not change a person no matter how hard I try. Finally, I was able to share with them how that soul searching and the love of essential oils has transformed my life and my ability to handle stress.

Here's a quick video I shared expressing my thoughts on yesterday:  

"Signs from God" is available on Amazon and it includes Mom's Miraculous Healing!

"Break Down Your Walls - Be the person God created - Be a better YOU!" is coming soon this Fall!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

My Story!

Time for a little update!  Many of you may already know since you've been following Mom and I for a while now, but God has led me to Young Living Essential Oils.  Relax, this post isn't about essential oils, but it does play a role in this story.  I've never felt so strongly about a Company or a product before and this company has provided me with so much in such a short period of time.  Not only supporting my stress levels after my heart attack and my overall wellness, but also with self-development practices as I go through some of their training.  Currently, I am reading a book called "Gameplan" by Sarah Harnisch on how to go from Starter Kit to Silver (which is a rank in the company).  This rank is truly just the beginning of a journey that will allow me to do so much more in life! Anyway, our homework assignment last night was to write our own story.

As I started the homework assignment, and as the words started to form on the paper, it was if 'My Story' was releaved to me in front of my own eyes. I thought I knew, but all the pieces just started to come together. I know without a doubt Young Living plays such a HUGE role in this continuing story of fulfilling my dreams. And, I have never felt stronger knowing that the time is now!

Here's My Story:

My story is all about stress: Stress as a young girl watching her mother experience a nervous breakdown; stress of having to hide her medicine bottles; stress being called out of school; stress coming home from school to see all of your family gathered around your mom, who was is a catatonic state of mind, as they make the decision to institutionalize her.  Then several years later after her miracle healing, she asked me to come live with her and I had to tell her "no, not right now" because I couldn't trust that she would remain 'better' and then wonder, 'will that alone set her back into her old self'? 

For many, many years, we wanted and attempted to start documenting her story but could never get on the same page. Fast forward 30 some years later, her and I both start experiencing signs from God to start writing her story/our story and not knowing how to do that.  I learned how to listen to God's soft voice and follow his plan for me. It was then that God led the way for us to self-publish "Signs from God" not ever having written a book. He led us every step of the way.  This was His way to teaching us how to do it and start growing our following.  

Fast forward a couple years later, and after many stressful family situations and losses, and then working a very stressful project at work, I suffered a heart attack all due to stress at the age of 53.  God said enough was enough and took matters into His own hands.  I spent eight nights in the hospital, suffered a cardiac arrest, a balloon placed up to my heart to take the pressure off of it.  I saw the look on my husband's face when I heard the nurse call for the paddles before I faded away screaming in my head to God that I was not ready to die! Then, I was given a second chance!

God gave me the opportunity to recover and truly become a better person - the person He wanted me to be!  I was able to become a person who learned how to deal with stress and realize that no matter how much I wanted someone to change, I could not make that happen myself.  I learned to deal with my stress.  He also gave me the desire to write again and what to write about.  "Break Down My Walls - Be the person God created ...Be a better YOU!" is in the hands of my editor and will be released this Fall!  

As I was writing "Break Down My Walls", I was basically praying as I was typing for God to help me find a way where I could quit my job and do His Will.  That was all I wanted to do - share my story, Mom's story and help as many as we could and lead them to God through our sharing.  The thing was though, that I couldn't quit my job without having some sort of income, so I prayed!  I prayed for God to help me find a way to make this happen so I could remove the work stress from my life and concentrate on His Will for us and ultimately our dream book, "A Mountain to Climb".  It was two weeks later that God brought Young Living into my life.  

As I mentioned earlier, Young Living definitely has a role in this story as their essential oils, culture, and core values follows everything I have learned on this journey and they reinforce every day those same lessons in order for me to stay connected to His Will and remain strong and healthy.  Everything I am learning is fulfilling a need that we must learn in order to grow and publish "A Mountain to Climb" and turn that into a #1 Best Selling Novel!  "A Mountain to Climb" is the story of courage and strength that Mom went through suffering from a nervous breakdown, and witnessing it also through the eyes of her daughter watching and wondering if her mother would ever be okay again.  I no longer stress that it might be taking us longer than we thought it would to get this book published, because everything is happening for a reason and is taking us higher and higher! He has given me purpose and I know this journey is going to be totally amazing. He is providing us both with everything we need along the way to meet our ultimate goal of documenting 'our story' by providing us with the means to do so in His timing.  I have never felt stronger that the time is now!  

If you want to help us grow our following, the time is now for you to SHARE, LIKE, POST, REPOST, FOLLOW, ETC.  It is YOU that will help US and GOD make this journey come true and turn our books into #1 Best Sellers!  With God, we can still do it without you, but we don't want to!  Follow us on our journey - we can't wait to celebrate with YOU!!


Sharon's Email:
Young Living Website:
Facebook Group:

Arlene's Email:

Monday, November 14, 2016

Sharon Shabinaw / WindBeneathOurWings: Inspirational Videos

Good Morning Everyone,

God has been speaking with me and directing my path so much so, that it is all I want to do these days! He recently has prompted me to start a video collection to help spread the word of our work and His Will for us. If you've been following us so far, you already know so much about our work, and hopefully enjoy our messages and following us on this journey God has given us. We are at a point though, where we need some additional support and ask that you if you enjoy our words, that you share our words and our mission to help spread the messages and encourage others to follow and become closer to God and their god-like abilities that He has already given them. In order for everyone to be more aware of those abilities God did give you, you need to become closer to God in your everyday living. Learn to trust, believe, and have faith that He is leading you throughout your day and life.

Won't you help us spread our messages with thought provoking conceptions that will truly make one consider their current situations and how changing their actions or reactions could make a huge different in impacting others.

If you like our messages, you might also enjoy our book, “Signs from God” available on Amazon:

You can also check out our Website:

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our Daily Inspirations Page and/or our Prayer Request Page within the website! We have prayer warriors just waiting to pray for YOU! Have a Blessed Day!

You can also follow us on Facebook:

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Things are Happening - Are you Following Along?

God has been talking to me every day, and every day He leads me in another direction.  He is bringing followers to me; He is bringing me to people that are going to help us on this journey; and He is answering my prayers and bringing me closer and closer to Him everyday!

If you asked me 3 years ago, if I thought I would be this close to God, I would have said, "I believe, but he doesn't talk to me."  Well, I'm here now saying that He does talk to me.  And He answers my questions right away.  He gives me the answers, some that truly throw me off and really make me think.  Things are getting pretty deep as my spirituality continues to grow.  I'm very excited about it, and wanted to share some of the things He has help me with lately as it relates primarily to our writing.

I had let it be know to God that I wanted to learn the scriptures more, but wasn't sure how to go about it.  He then led me to a book, "Jesus Calling: Morning and Evening Devotional".  This book is written as it God was speaking to you directly.  And to me, He is.  Every message in this book so far as hit me right where I needed to be, and it truly is as if He is speaking directly to me through this book. The book also includes daily scriptures and recommended additional scriptures as it pertains to the daily message. This book and God then inspired me to start a "Daily Inspirations" page on our website where I share a message everyday and try to pull in followers.  And, I'm proud to say it is working!

Then a week later, He then had some of my followers start reaching out for me to pray for them.  So I followed His lead again, and created a "Prayer Request" page on our website.  And now our prayer group is growing!  He then put me in touch with who I am calling, "My Prayer Warrior".  He wrote a book himself, but is not yet ready to market it until He has has second book published.  This man, wants to pray for everyone and is now praying for me, our writing journey, and followers who need prayers!

Then that same day, I had a Pastor of a Church in Kathmandu, Nepal reach out to me to become prayer partners as well.  This has been very enlightening and a learning experience so far for me.  I've touched another side of the World and I am impacting a Ministry and group of orphans with my daily messages.  God certainly is leading me on a journey that will fulfill my dreams for the rest of my life!

Please check out our website for these new messages.  Please subscribe to our Prayer Group and send your prayers so we, and our prayer warrior, can pray for you as well!

Hope you enjoy all the changes that are taking place and stay in contact and continue supporting our journey as we continue to follow God's Lead in inspiring others!   Have a blessed day!

Friday, October 21, 2016


WOW - Today is the day!

"Signs from God" is now on Sale on Amazon. We've dropped the price down, atleast for a week, and we'll see how sales are going. Get your copy today if you like inspirational stories and a quick read!

And for you fans, be sure to check it out there for a chance to WIN 1 of 5 free autographed copies! Trust me, you'll want another copy to give to your loved ones!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Some Exciting Things Are Happening

As you been reading and following me on my journey, you may have even recognized some changes within me.  Since my heart attack, I have become even closer to God.  He brought life back to me and has given me so much to look forward to.  I know you may be tired of hearing it, but I can’t stop shouting praises out to Him.  It seems everything I do, and everything I write, He is putting the words in my head and the keyboard keys just keep clicking away.  I ask for what to write about, and He instantly puts the thought in my head! I pray for guidance and I’m immediately taken down a path of exactly what I was looking for.

This past week has been amazing!  I reached out to a friend who is opening up her own shop in Ellicott City, “be Essential” and she is excited to stock my book in there as well and said it would go well with items!  I couldn’t be more excited about her grand opening and will keep you posted of her Grand Opening Date!

Then, when I was asking for guidance for marketing my book, low and behold, He immediately sends me back to a group that helped me with our first book, “Signs from God”.  As soon as I open their page, I see they are conducting an Author Retreat in the Spring in Heber, Utah geared toward branding and marketing!  It just takes my breath away when God shows up like this!

God also led me back to Goodreads.  If you are a writer or a reader, this is a great site to join!  I hard time getting into it at first, but kept hearing how productive it is for authors and a great place that everyone who does read likes to check out reviews and store their reading lists.  I started checking it out, and actually starting tomorrow we will be conducting our first FREE GIVEAWAY for “Signs from God”.  So be sure to check that out and “Enter to Win” 1 of 5 free copies of our first book. We are hoping it draws a lot of attention and excitement!

PLUS in just a few days, “Signs from God” will go on SALE for $7.99 instead of $9.99 on Amazon, so be sure to check that out as well; it will be just in time for holidays and a great present to inspire your loved ones with for Christmas! 

Please share the good news with as many as you can!  And remember to share our website:  Our Website is the best way to stay contact to everything we are doing!  Our Daily Inspirations have been a hit and are quickly attracting more and more recognition to us and we couldn’t be more excited.  Thank  you all for following us on this journey.  We are ALL IN when it comes to spreading inspiration to others and following our DREAM and GOD’s PLAN for us!  The sky is the limit! 

Have a Blessed Day, and we pray that your relationship God gets stronger every day as well.  It’s obvious to me, that the more I do for Him, the more He does for me and the stronger our relationship gets; it’s an amazing feeling!