Wednesday, April 12, 2017

My Story!

Time for a little update!  Many of you may already know since you've been following Mom and I for a while now, but God has led me to Young Living Essential Oils.  Relax, this post isn't about essential oils, but it does play a role in this story.  I've never felt so strongly about a Company or a product before and this company has provided me with so much in such a short period of time.  Not only supporting my stress levels after my heart attack and my overall wellness, but also with self-development practices as I go through some of their training.  Currently, I am reading a book called "Gameplan" by Sarah Harnisch on how to go from Starter Kit to Silver (which is a rank in the company).  This rank is truly just the beginning of a journey that will allow me to do so much more in life! Anyway, our homework assignment last night was to write our own story.

As I started the homework assignment, and as the words started to form on the paper, it was if 'My Story' was releaved to me in front of my own eyes. I thought I knew, but all the pieces just started to come together. I know without a doubt Young Living plays such a HUGE role in this continuing story of fulfilling my dreams. And, I have never felt stronger knowing that the time is now!

Here's My Story:

My story is all about stress: Stress as a young girl watching her mother experience a nervous breakdown; stress of having to hide her medicine bottles; stress being called out of school; stress coming home from school to see all of your family gathered around your mom, who was is a catatonic state of mind, as they make the decision to institutionalize her.  Then several years later after her miracle healing, she asked me to come live with her and I had to tell her "no, not right now" because I couldn't trust that she would remain 'better' and then wonder, 'will that alone set her back into her old self'? 

For many, many years, we wanted and attempted to start documenting her story but could never get on the same page. Fast forward 30 some years later, her and I both start experiencing signs from God to start writing her story/our story and not knowing how to do that.  I learned how to listen to God's soft voice and follow his plan for me. It was then that God led the way for us to self-publish "Signs from God" not ever having written a book. He led us every step of the way.  This was His way to teaching us how to do it and start growing our following.  

Fast forward a couple years later, and after many stressful family situations and losses, and then working a very stressful project at work, I suffered a heart attack all due to stress at the age of 53.  God said enough was enough and took matters into His own hands.  I spent eight nights in the hospital, suffered a cardiac arrest, a balloon placed up to my heart to take the pressure off of it.  I saw the look on my husband's face when I heard the nurse call for the paddles before I faded away screaming in my head to God that I was not ready to die! Then, I was given a second chance!

God gave me the opportunity to recover and truly become a better person - the person He wanted me to be!  I was able to become a person who learned how to deal with stress and realize that no matter how much I wanted someone to change, I could not make that happen myself.  I learned to deal with my stress.  He also gave me the desire to write again and what to write about.  "Break Down My Walls - Be the person God created ...Be a better YOU!" is in the hands of my editor and will be released this Fall!  

As I was writing "Break Down My Walls", I was basically praying as I was typing for God to help me find a way where I could quit my job and do His Will.  That was all I wanted to do - share my story, Mom's story and help as many as we could and lead them to God through our sharing.  The thing was though, that I couldn't quit my job without having some sort of income, so I prayed!  I prayed for God to help me find a way to make this happen so I could remove the work stress from my life and concentrate on His Will for us and ultimately our dream book, "A Mountain to Climb".  It was two weeks later that God brought Young Living into my life.  

As I mentioned earlier, Young Living definitely has a role in this story as their essential oils, culture, and core values follows everything I have learned on this journey and they reinforce every day those same lessons in order for me to stay connected to His Will and remain strong and healthy.  Everything I am learning is fulfilling a need that we must learn in order to grow and publish "A Mountain to Climb" and turn that into a #1 Best Selling Novel!  "A Mountain to Climb" is the story of courage and strength that Mom went through suffering from a nervous breakdown, and witnessing it also through the eyes of her daughter watching and wondering if her mother would ever be okay again.  I no longer stress that it might be taking us longer than we thought it would to get this book published, because everything is happening for a reason and is taking us higher and higher! He has given me purpose and I know this journey is going to be totally amazing. He is providing us both with everything we need along the way to meet our ultimate goal of documenting 'our story' by providing us with the means to do so in His timing.  I have never felt stronger that the time is now!  

If you want to help us grow our following, the time is now for you to SHARE, LIKE, POST, REPOST, FOLLOW, ETC.  It is YOU that will help US and GOD make this journey come true and turn our books into #1 Best Sellers!  With God, we can still do it without you, but we don't want to!  Follow us on our journey - we can't wait to celebrate with YOU!!


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