Saturday, February 28, 2015

Believe that HE will bring us through it!

Even when you are struggling through difficult times, we must always have faith in the fact that God is in control.  If it is meant to be, then it will be.  Whether we like the end result or not, we have to find a way to trust in Him and believe that He will bring us through it.  This last month I have been struggling with health issues and it seems that one thing after another just keeps popping up.  The entire time, I continue to pray for His healing, patience, and strength to deal with whatever will be.  I have been through so many tests and am still waiting on answers.  Throughout this experience, He continues to lead me in my writing and lifting my spirits.  There are days when I am just not up to it, but He is still pushing me forward.  He is putting people in my path that are inspiring me even when I don’t feel up to it.  He and the help of some family have also led me to Acupuncture, and with only one treatment complete, I have been able to let go of something from my past that has lifted my spirit.  I am so excited to start feeling better so I can truly give it my all.  With spring on our door step, and impending answers to health issues, I am anxious for the winter blues to be gone so we can begin smelling the roses again!    

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