This weekend on the drive to the Ocean to celebrate Valentine's Day Weekend, I received a 'Sign' from Baby Iris - not one, two, or three - but four signs practically simultaneously. We were listening to my spiritual playlist of music and getting into the spirit of things. Tom was snoozing some and I was deep in thought and prayer. Which is what I do when I drive long distances. I also enjoy looking for 'signs' in the clouds, or a cross, etc. This day was no exception. As I was driving down the road somewhere around Easton, I noticed a cross on the back of a pick-up truck that caught my attention, and I thought, 'cool, there's my sign'! Then about 30 seconds later, a large red heart is covering up one of those business signs on the side of the road, and I swear it seemed like it was beating, because it popped out as if to say, 'here I am'.
Then, as I'm registering my thoughts, "wow, first the cross, and now the beating heart...' I instantly glanced to my left (why, I don't know) but, what do I see, a Church sitting right on the edge of the road with a large wooden cross on the side of the Church. Well, if that didn't resonate, nothing would. Until, I put two and three together and honed in on the song that was playing and started signing the words, "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" by Paul Todd. One of my favorite songs by him, and then "Do Not Fear" comes on next. It gives me chills just thinking about it.
It was obvious, the heart was my sign from Baby Iris letting us know that hers is beating now Safe in the Arms of Jesus!
Once I got to the Ocean and met up with Mom, I couldn't wait to tell her about the sign I received. And ironically enough, but no surprise, she too received her own sign from Baby Iris during the same drive. She happened to see a baby in the clouds. We always seem to be on the same wave length her and I. But this time, it was Jesus and Baby Iris giving us comfort and knowing that we would share this story and give comfort to others in their time of need!
Once I got home, I couldn't wait to post about the Signs we received, and wished I had been able to capture of picture of that heart to include in this post. I spent probably an hour searching the internet for the cross emblem I saw on the truck, or the heart on a business sign.....and then looking at Facebook, I see a post with the picture of Jesus holding a sweet baby, that to me sure looks like Iris at 9 weeks old!
Stay strong, keep your faith, and always look for the Signs!
“Trust in the Lord with all
your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”
(Proverbs 3:5, NIV)
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